Thursday, January 12, 2012

Talk about procrastination!

 You know what they say about new years, resolutions and making things happen.   Some say better late than never!  Hey everybody, I'm a proud grandpa and I want to share.  This photo of grandpa and Roland was taken on December 5, 2010.  I have a lot of catching up to do!   

I started taking photographs of Roland within days of his birth and it was not too long before Roland was featured on the cover of My Baby magazine.  I have been working with my grandson Roland to develop his modeling portfolio and hope to feature some of this work on this blog.  Roland is such a wonderful model and he takes his work and his play very seriously.   Recently Roland was interviewed and appeared on the cover of Fashion Icon magazine.

During a  recent tour of the "Roland's First Month" photography exhibition critics were enamored by the radiant beauty of this new addition to the (Art) World.  

Grandpaparazzi Presents! is produced by Jak Tanenbaum a photographer in Portland, Oregon who became a proud grandparent to beautiful Roland on November 24, 2010.  Roland was produced by Kasey and Jake and for that I want to say "thank you" and "you do nice work". This is just a place for Grandpa to share some photographs, videos and thoughts about Roland.  He's growin' up fast!   

Grandpa needs to get busy!